Massages in Charlotte, NC


Massages are designed to cater to various needs, ensuring every client receives personalized care. Our offerings include therapeutic options like Ashiatsu Massage and Swedish Blend, which help relieve muscle tension and promote relaxation. For those with specific needs, we provide Targeted Massage, Lymphatic Massage for detoxification, and Prenatal Massage to comfort expectant mothers. We also offer specialized treatments such as Sarga Massage, known for its deep pressure techniques, and the luxurious Birthday Pamper Spa Treatment that combines relaxation with celebration. Each massage type is tailored to effectively address different areas of the body and specific client concerns, utilizing techniques that range from gentle strokes to deep tissue manipulation.

Massages are suitable for anyone looking to reduce stress, alleviate pain, or enjoy a moment of relaxation. Massage therapy is perfect for recovering from injuries, managing chronic pain, or celebrating a special occasion. Results can often be felt immediately, with increased mobility and decreased pain, and regular sessions can enhance these benefits over time. To experience the lasting benefits of massages, we invite you to book an appointment at Tyme Day Spa in Charlotte, NC. Discover how our specialized massages can improve your physical and mental well-being.

Benefits of massages include


Ashiatsu Massage

60 Minutes, $145

90 Minutes, $175

Focuses on deep layers of muscle in the back, legs, and shoulders, using foot pressure to relieve deep tension and improve circulation.

Birthday Pamper Spa Treatment

90 Minutes


A full-body treatment that combines massage with hot stones, hydrating masks, and aromatherapy to promote relaxation and celebrate special occasions.

Lymphatic Massage

60 Minutes


This massage targets the lymphatic system throughout the body, particularly in the neck, armpits, and groin, to enhance immune function and remove toxins.

Prenatal Massage

60 Minutes, $120

90 Minutes, $160

Designed for expectant mothers, focusing on alleviating discomfort in the back, hips, and legs while supporting overall prenatal health.

Sarga Massage

90 Minutes $175


This massage uses myofascial techniques with deeper foot pressure, focusing on the whole body to improve posture, reduce adhesions, and enhance circulation.

Swedish Blend

60 Minutes, $120

90 Minutes, $160

120 Minutes, $240

A gentle, full-body technique that involves long strokes and kneading to relax muscles, improve circulation, and reduce stress.

Targeted Massage

30 Minutes $60


This type of massage concentrates on specific areas, such as the neck, shoulders, or back, to relieve localized pain, tension, or discomfort.

Thai Table Massage

60 Minutes


Involves the entire body with techniques that include stretching, compression, and rhythmic pressure to boost flexibility and relieve tension.

Therapeutic Massage

60 Minutes, $125

90 Minutes, $165

120 Minutes, $240

Customized to individual needs, focusing on areas with chronic pain or stiffness through deep tissue techniques, stretching, and trigger point therapy.

Tyme Signature Massage

60 Minutes, $160

90 Minutes, $195

A comprehensive, full-body massage that combines Swedish and deep tissue methods with added elements like hot stones and aromatherapy to promote relaxation and rejuvenation.


Improve your massage experience with customizable add-ons to enhance relaxation and therapeutic benefits.

Full Body Hot Stones


Enhance your massage with a full-body hot stone treatment. Heated stones are strategically placed to relax muscles, improve circulation, and promote deep relaxation.

Cupping Therapy


Experience the therapeutic effects of cupping Therapy, which uses suction cups to stimulate blood flow and relieve muscle tension, enhancing overall wellness.

Gua Sha Scraping Method


Try the Gua Sha scraping method, which uses a smooth-edged tool to scrape the skin, improving circulation and reducing inflammation. This method helps relieve muscle stiffness and pain, leaving visible marks that indicate healing.

Scalp Massage & Facial Mask


Indulge in a dual treatment featuring a relaxing scalp massage and a hydrating facial mask. This combination soothes the mind while rejuvenating the skin for a refreshed feeling.

Sugar Scrub for Hands


Revitalize your hands with a sugar scrub treatment. This spa service exfoliates and hydrates, improving the texture and appearance of your hands while providing a relaxing experience.

Sugar Scrub for Feet


90 Minutes, $160

120 Minutes, $240

Pamper your feet with a sugar scrub that removes dead skin and hydrates, leaving your feet soft, smooth, and rejuvenated. This treatment is perfect for restoring comfort and relaxation to tired feet.


Anyone from those experiencing everyday stress and physical tension to individuals with specific therapeutic needs can benefit from our massages.

Massage therapy frequency depends on your needs. Monthly massages are standard for general wellness, but weekly or bi-weekly sessions may be needed in chronic pain or injury cases until improvement is seen.

The benefits of massage can vary based on the individual’s condition and frequency of massages, with regular sessions promoting longer-lasting effects.

Please speak with your healthcare provider before getting a massage if you have any severe medical conditions, and inform your therapist about your health issues for safe treatment.

It’s best to be hydrated and have a light meal before your session. Afterward, continuing to hydrate and taking it easy for the rest of the day can enhance the benefits of the massage.

Expect a calming environment where our skilled therapists apply specific massage techniques to your needs and preferences. You can communicate any discomfort or preference regarding pressure during the session to ensure a comfortable and beneficial experience.



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