
The sauna service at our facility involves a dry sauna, a controlled, heated environment designed to promote sweating and relaxation. The dry sauna operates at high temperatures, causing the body to sweat. This process helps to flush out toxins, relieve muscle tension, and increase circulation. Regular sessions can also support skin health by promoting cleanliness and rejuvenation at a cellular level. A dry sauna can target the whole body by heating the body directly, providing a comprehensive detoxifying experience.

The sauna suits almost anyone looking to improve their overall health and wellness. Benefits such as increased relaxation and muscle relief can be experienced immediately. Regular visits are recommended for consistent improvements in skin health and detoxification. If you’re interested in experiencing the benefits of a sauna, Tyme Day Spa in Pineville, NC, invites you to book an appointment. Regular sauna sessions help detoxify your body, relieve stress, and enhance your well-being.

Areas of treatment include

Entire Body

The high heat of the sauna promotes widespread sweating, which helps detoxify the body by flushing out toxins through the pores, aiding overall detoxification.


Heat from the sauna helps relax muscles, reducing tension and soreness, which can be beneficial after workouts or during recovery from muscle strain.


Sweat induced by sauna helps clear pores and can improve skin elasticity and tone by removing impurities and increasing blood circulation.


The warm environment of the sauna can alleviate joint stiffness and pain, which is particularly beneficial for those with arthritis or other chronic joint conditions.

Cardiovascular System

Regular sauna use can help improve cardiovascular function by increasing heart rate, similar to moderate exercise, which can help strengthen the heart.

Respiratory System

The warm air in the sauna may help open airways, improve breathing, and loosen mucus, which benefits those with respiratory issues such as asthma or bronchitis.

Immune System

Exposure to the sauna’s heat can enhance the production of white blood cells, potentially improving the body’s ability to resist illness.

Nervous System

Sauna use can reduce stress levels by promoting relaxation and improving mood, positively affecting the nervous system.

Benefits of sauna include


Anyone seeking relaxation, detoxification, and general wellness benefits is a good candidate for sauna sessions, except those with certain medical conditions who should seek medical advice first.

 Immediate effects like relaxation and muscle tension relief are noticeable right after a sauna session. Consistent use enhances these benefits over time.

The immediate effects, such as relaxation, can last for several hours, while long-term benefits, like improved skin health and reduced stress levels, require regular sessions.

No downtime is required after using the sauna. Side effects are minimal but can include dehydration if not adequately hydrated, so drinking plenty of water is essential.

Before entering the sauna, ensure you are hydrated. After the session, gradually cool down and rehydrate to replenish lost fluids.

During a sauna session, you will enter a dry, hot environment where temperatures can be significantly higher than room temperature. You will sit or lie down, relaxing as the heat induces sweating. Based on personal comfort and health recommendations, sessions typically last between 15 and 30 minutes.



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